To date, I have co-authored 20+ publications, of which 4 are first-author works. Have a look at my ADS library for the full record.

Recent first-author publications

  • Bocchieri, A., Mugnai, L. V., and Pascale, E., & al. (2024). De-jittering Ariel: an optimized algorithm. Submitted to the Experimental Astronomy journal

  • Bocchieri, A., Booth, L., and Mugnai, L. V. (2024). Exploring Synergies between Twinkle and Ariel: a Pilot Study. Submitted to the Experimental Astronomy journal

  • Bocchieri, A., Mugnai, L. V., and Pascale, E. (2024). PAOS: a fast, modern, and reliable Python package for Physical Optics studies. Submitted to SPIE

  • Bocchieri, A., Mugnai, L. V., Pascale, E., Changeat, Q., & Tinetti, G. (2022). Detecting molecules in Ariel low resolution transmission spectra. The Experimental Astronomy journal. (

Recent co-authored publications

Peer-reviewed papers

  • Zak, J., Boffin, H., Sedaghati, E., Bocchieri, A., & al. (2024). HD 110067 c has an aligned orbit. Measuring the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect inside a resonant multiplanetary system with ESPRESSO. Accepted by the Astronomy & Astrophysics journal. (arXiv)

  • Chubb, K. L., Robert, S., Sousa-Silva, C., & al. (2024). Data availability and requirements relevant for the Ariel space mission and other exoplanet atmosphere applications. Submitted to RAS Techniques and Instruments (RASTI). (arXiv)

  • Zak, J., Bocchieri, A., Sedaghati, E., & al. (2023). Stellar obliquity measurements of six gas giants. The Astronomy & Astrophysics journal. (

  • Mugnai, L. V., Pascale, E., Bocchieri, A., & al. (2023). ExoSim 2.0: the new Exoplanet Observation Simulator applied to the Ariel space mission. Submitted to the Experimental Astronomy journal

  • Mugnai, L. V., Bocchieri, A., Pascale, E. (2023). ExoRad 2.0: The generic point source radiometric model. Journal of Open Source Software. (

  • Jaziri, A. Y., Pluriel, W., Bocchieri, A., & al. (2023). ARES VI: Viability of one-dimensional retrieval models for transmission spectroscopy characterization of exo-atmospheres in the era of JWST and Ariel. The Astronomy & Astrophysics journal. (

  • Mugnai, L. V., Al-Refaie, Bocchieri, A., Changeat, Q., Pascale, E., & Tinetti, G. (2021). Alfnoor: Assessing the information content of Ariel’s low-resolution spectra with planetary population studies. The Astronomical Journal, 162(6), 288. (NASA ADS)

Conference proceedings

  • Nagler, P. C., Bernard, L., Bocchieri, A., & al. (2022). The EXoplanet Climate Infrared TElescope (EXCITE). In SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation (2022, Proceedings Volume 12184). (SPIE)

  • Rehm, T., Bernard, L., Bocchieri, A., & al. (2022). The design and development status of the cryogenic receiver for the EXoplanet Climate Infrared TELescope (EXCITE). In SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation (2022, Proceedings Volume 12184). (SPIE)

  • Bernard, L., Jensen, L., Gamaunt, J., Butler, N., Bocchieri, A., & al. (2022). Design and testing of a low-resolution NIR spectrograph for the EXoplanet Climate Infrared TElescope. In SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation (2022, Proceedings Volume 12184). (SPIE)

  • Pace, E., Tozzi, A., Abreu, M. A., Alonso, G., Barroquieiro, B., Bianucci, G., Bocchieri, A., & al. (2022). The telescope assembly of the Ariel space mission. In SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation (2022, Proceedings Volume 12184). (SPIE)

  • Gottini, D., Pace, E., Tozzi, A., Bianucci, G., Bocchieri, A., & al. (2022). FEA testing the pre-flight Ariel primary mirror. In SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation (2022, Proceedings Volume 12184). (SPIE)

  • Bocchieri, A., Mugnai, L. V., & Pascale, E. (2022). Predicting the optical performance of the Ariel Telescope using PAOS. In European planetary science congress (Vol. 16, epsc2022-618). (

  • Mugnai, L. V., Pascale, E., A. F., Al-Refaie, Bocchieri, A., Papageorgiou, A., & Sarkar, S. (2022). ExoSim 2. The new time-domain simulator applied to the Ariel space mission. In European planetary science congress (Vol. 16, epsc2022-370). (

  • Bocchieri, A., Mugnai, L. V., and Pascale, E., Changeat, Q., & Tinetti, G. (2022). Detecting molecules in Ariel Tier 1 transmission spectra. In European planetary science congress (Vol. 16, epsc2022-416). (

  • Bocchieri, A. & Pascale, E. (2021). PAOS, the Physical Optics Propagation model of the Ariel optical system. In European planetary science congress (Vol. 15, epsc2021-241). (

  • Mugnai, L. V., Pascale, E., Bocchieri, A., Changeat, Q., Al-Refaie, A., & Tinetti, G. (2021). Alfnoor: a population study on Ariel’s low resolution transmission spectra. In European planetary science congress (Vol. 15, epsc2021–185). (